Intuitive Life Movement ® (ILM) connects you to your embodied Self as a source of healing, guidance and pleasure. The experience is one of deepening receptivity, authenticity and interconnectedness. Adults at all levels of physical ability can learn ILM.
Using guided imagery and body-mind explorations, you will:
• Discover how your body reflects and creates your sense of self through core beliefs
and habitual tension patterns
• Learn 6 distinct ways of moving and being, individually, in pairs and small groups
• Experience safety, support, surprise and synergy
• Discuss ways to bridge new insights to daily life, relationships and spiritual practice.
DATE & TIME: Sunday, July 27 9:30 – 5:00
PLACE: Longmont or Boulder – TBA
FEE: $108
Contact me for more information: at 303.586.1586 [email protected]
DR. SHELLEY TANENBAUM is a licensed psychologist, senior Hakomi therapist and creator of Intuitive Life Movement®. Her private practice in Longmont specializes in healing through the integration of body, mind and heart, as well as authentic Self-presence in relationship. She works with adults, teens and groups.